Other Online References

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Other Online References

I have used a number of other websites, including some very large and robust data sets. I have included some of the most useful URLs here, along with my notes.

Tim Hockin 2010

http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=zella : This site has an enormous and well cited GEDCOM data set, which includes tons of information regarding the families of Gwithian and nearby areas from the late 16th to the 18th century. If you are interested in the Adrewarthas, Trewarthas, Cocks, Carthews, Michells, and others, this is the site for you.

http://familytrees.genopro.com/534398/default.htm : More ancient and obscure data, including some dates and names I could not find anywhere else.

http://webs.lanset.com/azazella/hocktree.html : Kathie Weigel's excellent treatise on the Hockins of Gwithian.

http://books.google.com : Google has digitized (with full text search!) thousands of historical books that were previously unavailable outside of a few university libraries.

http://archive.org : More digitized books. There's a lot of overlap with Google Books, but there are some gems here that Google did not have.

Last change January 9, 201019:52:03

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