Frederick Hockin, 18181902 (aged 83 years)

Birth May 18, 1818 41 39
Rector of Phillack

Birth of a sisterEmily Hockin
December 27, 1819 (aged 1 year)
Death of a brotherCharles Francis Hockin
September 26, 1840 (aged 22 years)
Death of a brotherHenry William Hockin
July 13, 1846 (aged 28 years)

Death of a brotherArthur Pendarves Hockin
December 22, 1850 (aged 32 years)

Death of a fatherWilliam Hockin
April 22, 1853 (aged 34 years)

MarriageSusan Ann PettyView this family
October 12, 1853 (aged 35 years)
Birth of a sonThomas Edmund Hockin
September 2, 1854 (aged 36 years)
Birth of a daughterLucy Margaret Hockin
March 10, 1856 (aged 37 years)
Death of a wifeSusan Ann Petty
April 4, 1856 (aged 37 years)
Death of a sisterElizabeth Hockin
April 17, 1856 (aged 37 years)

Death of a brotherWilliams Hockin
April 10, 1874 (aged 55 years)
Death of a motherPeggy Williams
January 10, 1886 (aged 67 years)

Death of a brotherGeorge Curnow Hockin
July 29, 1890 (aged 72 years)

Death of a brotherJohn Hockin
September 7, 1893 (aged 75 years)
Death of a sisterSusan Hockin
March 3, 1900 (aged 81 years)

Death April 21, 1902 (aged 83 years)
Family with parents
Marriage MarriageJanuary 3, 1804
10 months
elder brother
13 months
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
Birth: February 4, 1808 31 29Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: July 13, 1846
15 months
elder sister
Susan Hockin, 1871, by J. Edgar Williams
Birth: May 13, 1809 32 30Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: March 3, 1900
18 months
elder brother
Birth: November 8, 1810 33 31Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: September 7, 1893Beckenham
17 months
elder brother
George Hockin, 1871, by J. Edgar Williams
Birth: March 26, 1812 35 33Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: July 29, 1890
19 months
elder brother
Birth: October 28, 1813 36 34Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: September 26, 1840Sidon
20 months
elder brother
Birth: June 26, 1815 38 36Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: December 22, 1850
22 months
elder brother
Birth: April 3, 1817 40 38Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: June 20, 1817Phillack, Cornwall, England
14 months
Birth: May 18, 1818 41 39Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: April 21, 1902Phillack, Cornwall, England
20 months
younger sister
Birth: December 27, 1819 43 40Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: December 25, 1914Phillack, Cornwall, England
Family with Susan Ann Petty
Birth: May 18, 1818 41 39Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: April 21, 1902Phillack, Cornwall, England
Birth: estimated 1832Ulverstone, Lancs
Death: April 4, 1856Phillack, Cornwall, England
Marriage MarriageOctober 12, 1853Valetta, Malta.
11 months
Birth: September 2, 1854 36 22Bardsea
Death: about October 1923Bardsea
19 months
Birth: March 10, 1856 37 24Phillack, Cornwall, England
Death: May 8, 1944Phillack, Cornwall, England

2 Children Proprietor of the Riviere Estate. m. at Valetta.